Why traveling to Latvia?
Have you ever heard of or even considered traveling to Latvia? Do you know what and where Latvia is? Did you know that Latvia is a unique new escape travel ecotourism destination? What if I told you that you can find new fun discoveries in nature right now?
Some Popular Facts
These days you might know about Latvia and other Baltic states much more than a decade ago.
Latvian men are the second tallest and women are the tallest in the world. Hence basketball is pretty popular here. Almost everybody in New York knows who is Kristaps Porziņģis from New York Knicks. If you are from this cosmopolitan city you might not be able to pronounce his name correctly, but you know this tall Latvian anyway. Only in a couple of years, this young yet humble guy has become a great NBA star.
Maybe you are Canadian, and ice hockey is almost the God for you? Then you might have heard about Latvia too. It is the most popular winter team sports game in Latvia and we are pretty good at it. We are also good at bobsled and skeleton. You might be surprised but we are one of the best in the World in beach volleyball too! Later on in this post, you will understand why.
Latvia’s flag is one of the oldest known flags in the world. It has been in use since 1280.
The tailor Jacob W. Davis was born in Riga and emigrated to the US in 1854. He was the one who made the template for the modern denim jeans. With help from Levi Strauss, he patented the product as we know it today.
Another Latvian Aleksandrs Laime was the first recorded human to reach Venezuela’s Angel Falls in 1949. He spent most of his life exploring this wild area and helping the local native people.
It might be that the only thing you know about Latvia is that it is the former part of Soviet Union. Well, in this case, it is a good idea, not to talk about it too much! This is especially true if you try to get acquainted with an “average Latvian”. Latvians are a small, a little bit shy but proud nation. We like to emphasize our national identity and our unique language. It has nothing to do with Russian by the way! Like everywhere, not everything is great. Yet it is always better than being part of and associated with a totalitarian regime. Thus, be careful with this topic while traveling to Latvia! It is a painful part of our history.
Today Latvia is a modern country in the European Union. This year on 18th of November we celebrated 100 years of our independence. Where are we now? Well, Latvia has one of the fastest Internet speeds in the World. We are about to introduce 5G next year being one of the first in the world. We have cheap and good mobile connections. Our beautiful capital city Riga attracts many visitors, and we have a distinct national identity.
Traveling to Latvia – One of the Greenest Countries In the World
But what if you just love nature and authentic travel? What if you don’t care about sports, politics, new technologies, and other mainstream staff? Maybe you just seek new escape travel destinations. Then the above mentioned glorifying facts alone might not inspire you. Well, guess what, I am one of your kind.
By traveling to Latvia, you are not getting only to our great capital city Riga. You also travel to the land of amazing forests, natural bogs, vast sandy beaches and plenty of lakes and rivers. Thus you will come to one of the best Northern ecotourism destinations in Europe.
Latvia is actually one of the greenest countries in the world. Latvia topped the Environmental Performance Index in 2012. This is largely because Latvians love nature.
Ecotourism in Latvia
Are you tired of traditional mass tourism destinations and standard offers from travel agencies? If you read this article there is a high possibility that you are.
These days traveling around the world solo or in small like-minded groups is becoming more and more popular. Thousands of nomadic travel bloggers on the global web are good proof that this is so. Latvia is a perfect choice for anyone looking for a new secluded and amazing ecotourism destination.
Ecotourism alone receives a bit controversial attitude these days. The ecotourism hotspots in the world get pretty overcrowded despite ecotourism is meant to be sustainable. This in its turn endangers the nature values and local traditions that people are actually traveling there for. Thus it is not that uncommon to hear the question like “Is ecotourism a solution or a new problem?”
I have many years of experience as a nature conservation expert and traveler. I can say that ecotourism is a great solution if it is well planned and organized.
It is time to explore new and fresh travel destinations to help to reduce the over tourism problem in popular places.
Latvia has many advantages as a new ecotourism destination. EU regulations and directives do not allow harming the nature values in the protected areas of EU importance (Natura2000). There are 4 national parks, 42 nature parks, and 260 nature reserves in Latvia. We also have around 355 nature monuments, seven protected marine areas, and a biosphere reserve. Latvia has lots of small protected areas called micro-reserves as well. All these areas are primarily set-up for protection of species and natural habitats. Many of them are great ecotourism destinations.
7 Best Things To Do In Latvia
Do you love hiking, kayaking/canoeing, birdwatching, cycling and/or authentic traditions? Then Latvia must be on your bucket list, and here’s why. Latvians love living in a tidy and green environment. This is rooted in our culture. Therefore, you will soak up this feeling when traveling to Latvia too. Try it!
So, what are the things to do in Latvia? Go places, meet new like-minded people and enjoy serenity at the same time! As simple as that.
Many people do not dare to go off-the-beaten-path during their first visit to any country. Yet, I’m convinced that this fear has no rational background today. Do you want to get the real taste of any travel destination? Then dare to go off-the-beaten-path! I am a passionate off-the-beaten-path traveler myself. Yet, I also know that each of us first has to go on-the-beaten path to discover the value of the off-the-beaten-path. The same applies to our lives.

#1: Traveling to Latvia for Nature & Culture
Latvian culture is very much related to nature. This might be the reason Latvians are proud to be called one of the greenest countries in the world.
Nature & Culture
While traveling to Latvia you can expect many nice surprises. You will discover secluded beaches, lush forests and pristine bogs. Water tourism lovers will find many lakes and rivers here. An impressive cultural heritage will top any travel experience to Latvia.

One thing that you cannot be 100% sure while traveling to Latvia is the weather. We have distinctive four seasons. So depending on the time you come it can be warm, hot, sunny or cold, windy, extremely cold (not that often though), rainy and snowy. I am sure that as an adventure traveler you are ready for all these alternatives, right? As we say, there is no bad weather, there is only not suitable clothing.
There is something unique to do in Latvia in each season.

Latvian Traditions
Latvian traditions are related to living according to nature and natural cycles.

Summer Solstice
One of the greatest events is our unique celebration of the summer solstice. It is called “Līgo” (on 23rd June) and “Jāņi” (on 24th June). These are public holidays here. It is always an unforgettable experience you won’t find anywhere else in the World.
New Year’s celebration is nothing compared to the scale of this ancient pagan fest in Latvia. Latvians leave cities during summer solstice time. We go to the countryside – to our roots. We light up bonfires, follow ancient traditions and stay awake the shortest night of the year.
In the summer solstice the Sun sets around 10:30 p.m. The sunrise is at 4:30 a.m. Mid-summer is the time of the nature’s peak fertility. Hence Latvians have a “weird” tradition to look for the “flower of fern” during our shortest night. This is why nine months pased this event we normally have a huge boost in births!
Good Latvian beer and special Jāņi cheese tops the already great experience of “Līgo” and “Jāņi” in Latvia. If you are happen to be here at these dates, participation in the celebration is the must. Don’t worry! You are not obliged to look for the “flower of fern”, if you don’t want to, but you may find one should you decide to go for it.
Singing and Dancing Festival
Latvians are keen singers and dancers. If you are lucky you can also come to our unique UNESCO recognized Singing and Dancing Festival. It is held only once in every five years. The next one is in the first week of July 2023.

#2: Hiking trails
There are no mountains in Latvia. Thus you cannot expect many steep elevations and descents. Latvia offers you something quite different yet amazing. It is hiking along the gorgeous coast of the Baltic sea and the Gulf of Riga. You can also go hiking in pristine woodlands and natural bogs.
Latvia is getting more popular with its long distance hiking trails like Baltic Coastal Hiking Route and the new Baltic Forest Hiking Route. Both routes cover Latvia and Estonia and you can choose any of their gorgeous sections to go for.

#3: Kayaking & Canoeing Trips
As said Latvia is watery. We have around 12,000 rivers and 3,000 lakes! Many of them are perfect for kayaking and canoeing. This activity is a must while traveling to Latvia. Especially if you come in the summer.

Latvians love cruising the waters. Yet, you won’t feel in any way overwhelmed here. Latvian countryside, as well as rivers and lakes, are far from being crowded. In many secluded places, you and your travel fellows will enjoy total serenity.

There are many great places for kayaking and canoeing in Latvia. Such rivers as Gauja, Irbe, Amata and Salaca are awwsome for spending a couple of days on the water. And there are a lot more off-the-beaten-path destinations to choose from.
#4: Cycling in Latvia
Latvia with its flat terrain and lots of dry pine forests is great for enjoying nature on a bike. There are also beautiful hills in some places. This makes cycling a bit more strenuous for those who seek more of physical activities.

In many places on the Baltic Sea coast, where the sand is not too loose, you can also enjoy cycling on the gorgeous beach.
Choose a mountain bike for an adventurous ride in our forests or on the beach! Or take a classic bike for relaxing ride in a town.

#5: Birdwatching while traveling to Latvia
Latvia is a superb location for the birdwatching. It is not crowded because it is not yet discovered by masses. Many bird migration routes go across the country.
In the autumn birds travel from Scandinavia and northern Russia across Latvia to South Europe and Africa. They come back vice versa in the spring.
There are lots of shallow lagoon lakes along the Baltic Sea coast. We also have plenty of forests and flood-lands. This all makes Latvia a great dwelling place for many migratory bird species. Thus birdwatching is for sure one of the best things to do in Latvia.
Do you enjoy chasing new bird species for your checklist? Well, you can get ahead your “competitors” – other fellow bird watchers here. Come to Latvia in April-May or September-October! We have 365 recorded bird species in total. One species for each day of a short year, if I may state it so!
There are also lots of bird watching towers set up at the best bird watching places making birwatching in Latvia more convenient.
#6: Nature photography
I am big nature photography fan. Hence I have to mention this as one of the things to do in Latvia. Latvia is the Nordic gem of nature values to be captured.

#7: Latvian Sauna Ritual
Finally, I want to mention a totally unique thing to do in Latvia that you will not find anywhere else in the World. It’s Latvian Sauna Ritual.
It is not just a simple sauna at all. Latvian Sauna Ritual takes around four hours. Yes, it is so long and, at the same time, it feels so short for those involved. You’ll get cleaned both physically and mentally. This is our Latvian way on how we get deeply relaxed and fall into meditation and oneness with nature.
Everybody will get its own very special experience during this unique ancient ritual. I assure you! This is a great non-repeatable experience. Especially after some activities in nature during not that hot day.
You can book your Latvian Sauna Ritual experience here.
Latvia – Points of Interest
#1: Is Riga The Whole Latvia?
As said above every off-the-beaten-path starts with a beaten path first. Riga is usually the first point of interest when visiting Latvia. It is the biggest city in the Baltic States. Yet, in many aspects, it is still off-the-beaten-path.
I love Riga. It is beautiful and unique former Hansa city. Wherever I go I’m always glad to return.

City Hall Square, House of the Blackheads and Saint Peter church in Riga Old Town During the Sunset
Latvians use to joke that Riga is a country within a country. There’s a grain of truth in every joke. One-third of Latvian population lives and/or works in Riga. Riga is the Latvia’s heart. Riga is the World’s capital of Art Nouveau. It has cozy old town and new interesting hipster districts. Yet, it is not the whole Latvia. It is surely very nice to experience. But I encourage you to dare to go outside Riga too!
#2: Most beautiful Nordic Beach In The World
If I mention a “beautiful beach“, Nordic Europe or traveling to Latvia is probably not the first that comes to your mind, right? Yet, this perception is misleading. I have traveled all around the World. Latvia has by far the most beautiful and cleanest sandy beaches that I have ever seen. Like ever! Still not convinced?

Vidzeme Stony Coast
The secluded beaches attract more and more travelers from the neighboring countries. Yet, there are still plenty off-the-beaten-path hiking trails along the Latvian Baltic Sea coast.
Besides you can hike along the sea coast all year round. It may be hot on sunny summer days and not that warm when it’s windy. Make sure you choose going windward to enjoy the experience in more harsh weather!
Protected Areas
Many protected areas of EU importance (Natura2000) in Latvia are in the coastal area. The most prominent are:
- Pape Lake Nature Park,
- Slītere National Park,
- Engure Lake Nature Park,
- Ķemeri National Park,
- Nature Park “Piejūra“,
- Ziemeļvidzeme Biosphere Reserve.
Great Places For Leisure
Undeniably, the Baltic coast is a great location for hiking, cycling, kiting and other activities. Yet on a sunny and warm summer day, you may choose simply lay down in the soft silky sand and take a sunbath.
Jūrmala beach near Rīga is great for this purpose. Yet the most amazing leisure beach in Latvia is in Liepāja city and its surroundings. This is in the very western part of Latvia. It is truly amazing. We call Liepāja the city where the wind is born. It is not without a reason. Liepāja is windy indeed. However, it is also a cozy spot of Latvian culture. All the great Latvian musicians and, guess what, also Kristaps Porziņģis come from Liepāja.

Liepāja beach
I rarely travel outside Latvia in the summertime just because I want to enjoy sunny summer days at our secluded Baltic Sea coast to its fullest.
#3: Forests in Latvia
Latvia is one of the most forested lands in Europe. We are number 4 after Finland, Sweden, and Slovenia. More than 50% of Latvia are covered by forests. Hence lots of economic and recreation activities are in the woodlands.

Besides, it is not just hiking in many forest hiking and cycling trails. Latvians love picking wild berries and mushrooms in the forest. This is an important part of our culture. Berries and forest mushrooms are also great and delicious part of Latvian cuisine.

You can try to join us for a “mushroom quest” in the autumn! Yet be sure you pick up the ones that you really know or ask somebody that knows. Our forests keep both: delicious gems and poisonous “killer” mushrooms. The best time for “mushroom quest” is, of course, early autumn.
The most beautiful pine forests you will find along the Baltic Sea Coast in the western part of Latvia – Kurzeme. While in Gauja National Park you will find beautiful broad-leaved forests. They turn in breathtaking yellow and red colors in the autumn.
Pokaiņi Forest
One of my favorite forest hikes is the most mysterious place in the Baltic States – Pokaiņi Forest. It is amazing and quite a different woodland.
This place has very diverse forest habitats in a relatively small area. There are also piles of stones overgrown with mosses in different places. The origin of these stone piles nobody can explain. Lonely Planet calls Pokaiņi Forest as “one of Latvia’s biggest unsolved mysteries”. Mystics say there is a special energy in this place. Historians consider it being an ancient sacred place. Whatever it is we always feel particularly charged when coming here.

Huge stone in the middle of Pokaiņi Forest
#4: Traveling to Latvia – The Land of Bogs
More than 10% of Latvia are different types of bogs. The most impressive is the raised bog with Sphagnum mosses.

Raised bog
While traveling to Latvia, bogs are definitely one of the points of interest.
People love going to bogs here. There are many places with the boardwalk and watchtowers. The most popular ones are not far from Riga. These are Great Ķemeri Bog Boardwalk and Cena Mire Boardwalk. These places are nice and beautiful. Yet, if you want to get more off-the-beaten-path, go elsewhere or come in the very early morning. Latvia is not a big country and it is quite easy to get away from the tourist hot spots by going deeper in the bog or to more distant bog areas. Especially if you hire a car or ask someone to help.
The biggest Latvian bog is Teiči Bog. It takes almost 20 thousand hectares (50 thousand acres). Teiči Bog is strict nature reserve in the eastern part of the country – Latgale.
What Is A Typical Bog?
A real Latvian bog is a place, which is always wet. It is wet in the summer and much wetter in the spring and autumn. Thus, hiking shoes or boots are not an option for walking there. This is unless you chose walking on a boardwalk. Although it is not real hiking then. Hiking boots with Gore-tex membrane and other analogs won’t be of great help in the bog as well. You need a much cheaper version of footwear to get ahead. That said ordinary rubber boots will work great.
There are occasional drops in the bog pools. As a rule, you step on a thin soil at the moment you are about least to expect it. What you get is your rubber boot full of water and a wet leg or probably both. This depends on how successful was your “struggle” against the sucking effect of the bog. Yet, this experience will bless you with a lot of fun moments. If not you, then your travel mates for sure. Guaranteed!
Above all that a truly raised bog is a place to feel the presence of nature. It is a point of interest for every nature lover traveling to Latvia. Hiking trails in Latvian bogs give a deep sense of tranquility. You are truly off-the-beaten-path here. The landscape is so mesmerizing that nobody can resist its beauty.
#5: Birdwatching Places
When it comes to bird watching the most popular sites are, of course, on the bird migratory routes. The best birdwatching spots in Latvia are along the coast of the Baltic Sea, but some are deeper inland:
- Pape Lake Nature Park: shallow lagoon lake,
- Kolka Cape in Slītere National Park: an amazing place where the open Baltic Sea and Riga Bay meets,
- Engure Lake Nature Park: another great lagoon lake,
- Lake Kaņieris in Ķemeri National Park: shallow lagoon lake not far from Riga,
- Lake Lubāns in the Eastern part of Latvia (Latgale): the biggest lake, fish pond network and wetland area in Latvia.
These are some of the best bird watching sites in Latvia. There are plenty of other points of interest that any keen birdwatcher would be glad to visit.

In Latvia, you can combine outdoor off-the-beaten-path adventures with authentic cultural experiences. Besides, you will pay only a fraction of the price that you would pay in the neighboring Scandinavia, Finland or any other Western European country. Hence it is very affordable.
Latvians are friendly people that are proud of their land. Yet, they do not express this too loud. So you will still “hear” your own personal identity while traveling to Latvia.
Besides Latvia is not the same as Scandinavia, Finland or any Eastern European country. It is a totally different experience. It is comparable only to our Baltic neighbors Estonia and to a lesser extent also to Lithuania.
Yet, Latvia offers something that you will not find anywhere else. And this something is a lot:
- Beautiful, wild and at the same time also easily accessible sandy Nordic beaches,
- Latvian Sauna Ritual is unique. It is for those, who seek peace, meditation, relaxation or spirituality,
- The scale of summer solstice celebration is incredible. Latvians follow the ancient traditions that you won’t find anywhere else in the World.
- And, finally, it is truly an off-the-beaten-path experience of pristine nature and authentic culture.